Monday, October 31, 2005

Cover Art

Considering different work by Norris Harrington for the upcoming release. I thought I would share. Since there is not a title for the CD yet, I decided to consider these along with the one I posted before. What do you think?

Friday, October 28, 2005

Afternoon in Texas

Having an afternoon cuppa and listening to some YoYo Ma. Life is good. Have a great weekend blog friends.

That's my Boy

Sean is as goofy as me. He has a better excuse. He is 25.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Setting Up My Guitars

Got them out of the vault and now its time to go to work. Since I don't have a guitar tech, its all up to me. Thought I would share a few pics.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Ronnie Lane

I was going through some old gear boxes and found some demo stuff that Ronnie Lane had played on. These were done back in the 80s in Austin Texas. What a glorious time in my life. Jamming with him. He was in and out of his health issues, but a great time in my life. Ronnie eventually wound up in Colorado. It was there that he passed on due to his illness. Man I have been so blessed to have known him. The last time I saw him was in a big food store in Austin. I had moved away and was back for a visit. He was in a wheelchair and he cried when he saw me. This is Ronnie with a Texas Boy named Joe Ely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pretty in Pink

Just heard the song on the radio. Wow, I forgot how much I like the P Furs. I saw them a couple of years ago in Vegas. How did I block them out of my depleted brain. Had a quick lunch with some local musicians at Terry's Place. I love little hole in the wall places to eat. Terry's is one of the best. Chain restaurants are really popular in these parts. I don't care for them. Thanks to the Taquerias, and other locally owned places like Terry's Place, I too can remain well feed. Nice lunch and agreements made, it is off to the mailbox in hopes of new acoustic strings. Damn I am glad I don't live in a big city anymore. Nice to visit, I just can't live there anymore.

Friday, October 14, 2005


I'm your Uncle Ernie and I'd oops! Sorry could not resist. Channeled Keith for a moment.
Thanks PTFan for the lovely comments, you have some great stuff on your Blog. It appears your heart is in the right place. Today I used my new teapot. Do you know how hard it was to find a teapot in Greenville Texas. Even WallyWorld (Walmart for you civilians) did not have one. Kettles abound, no pots. I found one in a little shop called Frosty's. Funny the lady who sold it to me thought everyone used them as a display piece. I explained that I brew tea in one. She was delighted. I was too. I think I will bake scones today. Big decision of which fruits to use. I hope to spend some studio time for myself today. It gets invaded this weekend and I have to be a Producer. I am so fortunate to love what I do to make a living. Fall is supposed to be here, but crapola it is going to be in the upper 80s here today. I love when seasons change. Got a shipment in of new guitar strings. Fifty sets. Time to get busy and have a reason to use those up. Still waiting on the acoustic and mandolin strings. I found out my son has been giving my phone number out along with my business card to some ladies. I guess he does not like me being single. I like it most of the time. If you have a partner, I hope that you realize that a relationship is an in work project that never gets finished. I have realized that after all these years. Look up Late Bloomer in a dictionary. My picture is there as an illustration. I wish all good health, a great today, and an even better tomorrow.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Cover Art for Scuffer's CD

Wanted to share the Cover Photo for my upcoming release. This by Norris Harrington He is an old schoolmate of mine and a great artist in his own right. He was once my lead singer.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Silver and Hope

This morning’s news brought more heart ripping views of children whose parent is in Iraq serving in the US Military. The children were at school writing to their parent serving in Iraq. One child read their letter. It said “If you are really not coming home this time, please tell me now. I do not want to go through this anymore.” This just ripped through me, and I had to compose myself a bit to even continue to watch. I realized though that I had changed for the better. I listened to the entire story. This was a first for me. Usually I would just change the channel or walk out of the room. If it was bad enough, sometimes a glass of Brandy or Whiskey made the feelings go away. I guess this summer was tuff enough to make me feel again. Emotions I had long since lost control of are now back under control. All this with no medicines to make me this way. Yippee! This summer, I lost one of the true loves in my life. She was killed in a pedestrian accident. We had been apart a few years, but she and I always kept in touch. Not very frequently, but non-the less in touch. I had to do a regime of anti viral meds this summer. Seems somewhere along the way, I picked up Hepatitis C. I am so very fortunate that I am now clean of the “Silent Killer” and back to feeling great again. Being sick for so long made me lose track of what feeling good is. I guess what I am trying to say here is the silver lining in the darkest of clouds and the darkest of days always comes out. One has to take notice. I have taken notice and I thank God for the day. All is now gravy for JoeBoy. I still have my bad times, but in hindsight, it all could be much worse. Sympathy is not what I am seeking. I hope this gives someone hope. Hope and Information is really what I am about now. I hope the war stops soon, and the children have their parent back home. The war in my head did. It ended today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lazy Blogger

OK so I am a lazy blogger. That sounds like a Sex Pistols lyric. Read more of these things than post. Thanks Gary for the kindness and you will always hold the place of 1st to post comments here. WHOTV again today. Great fun and a good excuse to indulge in coffee or tea. Producing my son's band. It is their first release. I am afraid MTV and Rolling Stone have distorted them a bit. Maybe a few too many reality shows. They seem to struggle more than they should with their music, but then again so do I. Damn TV. Its a liar. Damn damn damn. @&*%$ CHEWBAKA!
Toying with the idea of moving out of the States. Being a bit Socialist and living in the States is getting harder for me. Watching the propaganda and the hype is mind numbing. I would rather watch the proper goose than the proper gander. OK bad bad bad JoeBoy. Old jokes die tuff. I love the US, just need to get away for some fresh ideas.

Friday, October 07, 2005

New Day

One of the things I hope to gain from starting a BLOG is to become more open and sharing. I am not an Open Person. I do love to share so maybe there is hope for me yet.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Just a quick Hello and Welcome.
More to come as time rolls on.